Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011
Cannabis Tolerance Endangered In Netherlands; Protest Planned

In a maddening show of spineless backsliding after 35 years of tolerance, the conservative government of the Netherlands seems hellbent on turning the clock back to a darker time in Dutch history -- a time when the cannabis trade was driven underground and people had to access the black market for marijuana.

And, of course, in our interconnected world, such a failure of leadership would reverberate internationally, according to expert observers.

"If tolerance ends or gets limited in the Netherlands, then politicians all over the world will say things like 'Tolerance failed in Holland,' and use that as an excuse to enforce their anti-cannabis propaganda, opinions and laws," well-known Dutch cannabis blogger Peter Lunk told Toke of the Town.

puff puff

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Dutch Decide To Treat 'Strong Marijuana' As A Hard Drug

About half the cannabis sold in the Netherlands just got banned -- because it's too good. According to the Dutch government, that joint of White Widow you're smoking is just as bad as heroin or meth. And if they catch you smoking weed they think is "too good," they can throw you into drug rehab for it.

The Dutch have been a source of both exhilaration and exasperation with their hard-to-pin-down cannabis policies for the past 40 years. Often held up as a model of tolerance by those in less-permissive countries, they actually have some serious perception problems of their own.

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Dezember 2011
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