Zack |
Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2010
Best Cannabis Dispensary
Behind an imposing barbed-wired fence on a busy commercial stretch of San Pablo Avenue, this 2,500-square-foot cannabis mecca offers patients dozens of pot strands, ranging in price from the really cheap ($10/eighth) to the really expensive ($60/eighth). Make a purchase after consulting the knowledgeable and friendly white-lab-coated staff, then light up using one of the vaporizers or glass pieces available in the smoking lounge. Brownies, cookies, beverages, extracts, concentrates, and seeds round out the medication menu, while free massage, acupuncture, counseling, therapeutic, and educational services are also available on-site. ... Comment
TaxAndControl2010, 14.07.10, 21:50
Tax and Control Cannabis!
Learn more about the campaign to legalize, control, and tax cannabis in California at And become a fan of the campaign on Facebook at Thanks! ... Link ... Comment |
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